Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: JOB_SCHEDULER RUN_INTERE J03_ID STATUS START CYCLE COM- RENTS Extract_1 Running 21-NOV-1959 20.00 Extract_2 Complete 11-NOV-1959 21:00 21_NOV-1599 22:30 Dwily Dwily JOB_SCH JOB_SCHEDULER_HIST JOB_ID START STATUS COMMENTS Extract_2 21_0207-1999 21-00 21-NOV-1999 22:30 Conplete FIGURE 2: Each time the status column in the JOB_SCHEDULER table changes to COMPLETE or ABENDED, a row trigger populates the JOB_SCHEDULER_HIST table with the existing data from the row before the procedure continues and overwrites the row contents.